Taking Note

Over the last 6 weeks I’ve walked the neighborhood taking a different route each day. Believe me, there is a lot to notice when you start paying attention.

One thing is the variety of entries. They have so much to say about the style of the house, they add color and texture and I suspect they something about the interior decor.

While I’ve noticed the house many times, the pink door never caught my eye. It struck me as very feminine and I liked thinking the guy who lives there is OK with that. Together with the porch and landscaping, the overall impact is quite inviting.

Here there is some mystery as to whether or not these doors are the main entry. For sure my curiosity was piqued and I wanted to peek inside the arch to see what lay inside.

I had to stop and take a second look at these doors as the design reminded me of Frank Lloyd Wright. While they made me think of his craftsman style, that wasn’t at all the look of the house.

Throughout the neighborhood original homes have given way to larger ones. Entries appear to be an important part of architectural design and impress me as becoming more dramatic.

Houston is a very international city so it was not surprising to note that some entries display more than the Stars and Stripes to indicate a home country.

As I looked at entry after entry, it dawned on me just how different they can be.

Looking at our own, that is certainly true! I have to say our doors may be among the more unique as they are the total inspiration of a local glass artist. Hmmm, I wonder if people take note as I have done on my walks.


Thursday Doors

24 responses to “Taking Note”

  1. Hi LuLu, I love these doors. I lived in Houston for several years and it is a beautiful city. Ialso love to walk and take notes and photos of beautiful doors.

    1. There is much to like in Houston. Doors always have special attraction no matter where.

  2. You’re right, the variety of doors is eye catching. The pink door landscaping is spot on. Looks like a nice neighborhood for a walk.


  3. Oh I love looking at doors when walking and windows as well. The windows can share a story too.

    1. How right you are as I find many windows among my photos. Thanks for visiting.

  4. I love the pink door! I don’t know that I could do that to my house, but I actually like it on that one.

    1. Pink did look just right on this house which is farmhouse style.

  5. Lovely entrances, I enjoyed your walk!

  6. Oh, the lovely pink flowers on the FLW-type door!

    1. I liked seeing flowers at entries as they made them warmer.

  7. lulu
    Wow, these are incredibly beautiful!
    Doorways here in the Netherlands tend to be small and functional because we have so much less space and small houses. (in the cities at least).

    Your comment: “Believe me, there is a lot to notice when you start paying attention.” This pretty much sums up my life!
    Buildings should be beautiful as well as functional in my opinion, as you can imagine, glass box buildings do not feature anywhere high up on my Favourites list.

    Welcome to the “Noticing the Detail Club” !!!

    1. Entries used to be smaller here as well, but as old houses are replaced by new construction they got bigger and more dramatic. So much of what we have is more than what we need.

  8. Your doors are quite unique, beautiful and fun! I enjoy doors as well… thanks for sharing!

    1. It’s always a pleasure to know you visit. Thanks!

  9. You have some unique beauties here. I like 2707 and the one that also reminds us both of Frank Lloyd Wright.


    1. I’m glad you saw the FLW resemblance as I was hoping my eyes weren’t going too far!

  10. Linda, your doors are so beautiful and artistic. I have to say I am also drawn to the pink one!

  11. I’m always on the lookout for interesting doors. These are a nice collection and yours is very unique.

    1. Funny I hadn’t noticed before how many different doors were chosen as part of the look of the house.

  12. I love your doors, fabulous artwork on them.

    1. Thank you, Jean, for visiting and complementing the doors. When you give an artist leeway you never know what’s going to happen.

  13. I love each of the doors but Your door is the most intriguing .

    1. Even though I saw a preliminary sketch, the doors turned out quite different. You never know what’s going to happen when an artist gets going.

  14. Wow, there are some truly beautiful entrances in that neighborhood. Nice shots 🙂

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