A Hidden Jack

What is this in the place where flowers bloom and dahlias wait their turn?

A weed perchance, its leaves an oversized green?

It must come out, but wait, there is something hiding there,

something I have not seen before.  

I lift its head and experience a sense of familiarity.

I look and think, and then I know.  It is the same image as in one of my favorite Georgia O’Keeffe series called Jack-in-the-Pulpit which she painted in the early 1930’s.

Do you think she saw what I am seeing?

 Did she stumble upon it by accident? 

Did she know what surprise this big leafed plant held in secret?

Oh, how she captured this hidden wonder and made it come alive for all those who may never see.

Joining This Week in My Garden,  Outdoor Wednesday and Alphabet Thursday‘s letter  J

i love your comments, so jump right in and share yours

28 responses to “A Hidden Jack”

  1. There stands a little man in the deep dark woods
    He wears a purple cloak and a small black hood
    Do you see him standing there in the cloak he likes to wear
    Do you see him standing in the deep dark woods.

    He stands there on one leg bending to and fro
    And all that he can do is to stand and grow
    Do you see him standing there silently without a care
    Do you see him standing in the deep dark woods.

    1. Love this and haven’t thought of those words for years!

  2. Love it! We have some in the woods near us but they are a lot lighter, more white. They are a unique flower for sure!

  3. How lucky to find one of these beauties! I re-planted some of my wildflower areas this year, but the weather is not cooperating 😦 all I see is lots of weeds. Even my normal regulars (many are not wild) are not doing well this year. My first visit, stopping over from Candy’s party.

  4. that is beautiful, I have never seen one!

  5. I always loved finding them in the woods of Ohio!

    They are so ethereal looking…just fascinating plants and blooms.

    Thanks for a jewel of a link this week.


  6. Lovely, just lovely! What a wonderful hidden surprise ad a bit of Georgia O’Keefe too! YUM.

    Thanks so much for coming to the garden party,

  7. What a wonderful surprise to find in your garden! I love Geogia O’Keefe’s work~ What a delightful garden and J post! Glad you’re joining in the alphabet fun 🙂

    Good luck with your 15 tables~ I’m sure they will be creatively conceived & artistically executed!

  8. Oooo, I’ve seen those before, but didn’t know what they were called! I’ve got to see about getting some of those for my garden! 🙂 I came by via Susan’s party, but I missed it myself. I took pics of my pergola all dressed up this afternoon (with the 2 hour lull in the rain), and I REALLY hope you’ll stop by and take a peak, and let me know what you think of the progress! 🙂

  9. Fabulous…. I wish I had the patience to garden or grow things… or I should say the skill:-)

  10. I love the Jack-in-the-pulpits! Mine have already finished blooming for the year.

  11. Beautiful flower, and the painting is just fabulous..

  12. By the way, the one you think is a weed I believe is an Elephant Ear and the leaves can actually get 2 foot across.

    1. You’re right, the leaf does resemble an elephant ear but it’s actually the leaf that hides the jack-in-the-pulpit.

  13. OK now I am REALLY confused. I wrote a reply, it came up as our blog not accidentally so I left my link for the paint splash, now it’s the only one showing… Anyway, I love your flowers and especially the Jack in the Pulpit. Hope you will come by and see my newest find. Blessings, Debbie

  14. I’m not sure why the comment above went to my other blog…

  15. Love your photos. The Jack in the Pulpit is amazing. I’m not sure they would survive Indiana winters but so nice to get to see them.Hope you will come by and see my newest find. Blessings, Debbie

  16. Jack? Is that what they are? didn’t know that. learn something new today. thanks!

    I love Georgia O’Keeffe works especially the flower series.

    hope your day is sweet.

  17. How lovely to have captured the whole unfurling of this beautiful flower 🙂

  18. I love Georgia! Her museum in Santa Fe is so wonderful. I am new to your blog, and think it’s just COOL!!

    1. Thanks, Judie. For me, anything Georgia is way cool.

  19. There stands a little man in the deep dark woods,
    He has a purple head and a velvet hood.
    Do you see him standing there?
    Silently without a care.
    There stands a little man in the deep dark woods.

    Now that was from a long time ago! Thanks for the memory!
    I can remember that, but not where I put my keys!

    1. Your “Jack in the Pulpit” is beautiful! My calla lillies, which look quite related to your “Jack”, are starting to bloom. I enjoy them so much.

      1. I never thought about the calla lily and the jack-in-the-pulpit being related. Let’s check on that because there are similarities though the calla is not so timid about showing itself.

    2. Thanks, Kathleen, for the chuckle!

    3. Suzanne McIntire Avatar
      Suzanne McIntire

      Hi, I am so happy to see the words to this song. I remember singing it in music at my elementary school in 1958. I remembered the first line, but that was all until now. I did remember the music teacher saying it was a song about a jack-in-the-pulpit. You just made my day!!!

  20. Love Georgia O’Keeffe’s work, beautiful.

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